How to change ip address and protect anonymity?
- Want to know how to change its ip address and how to encrypt its internet connection?
- Are you fed up with constantly hearing about Hadopi, the massive espionage of the NSA?
- You want to protect your connection during your connections on public wifi such as hotels, mc-do, railway station, etc.?
1) How to change ip address? Why want to be anonymous?
For starters you should know that only changing the ip address of your pc, tablet, smartphone or other is not enough to guarantee your anonymity. But this is ample enough to bypass the Hadopi which only relies on the IP address to send its warnings.
For more convenience, I will name pc in the rest of this text all that corresponds to a pc, a tablet, an Ios or Android smartphone, or any other tool with internet access.
Edward Snowden made known to the general public many of the various means of massive surveillance used by the NSA.
We learn that all American companies are obliged to collaborate with the NSA through the Patriot Act.
In short all companies knowing almost all of you must share their info with the intelligence services as soon as they have made the simple request.
The NSA also used hijacked means to achieve its ends:
- Transatlantic cables
- Google and Yahoo piracy
- Malware
- Espionage of candy crush players,etc.
Of course I'm talking about the NSA but the British, France and all the other countries do.
1.1) Small mouth for those who have nothing to hide!
You still do not know why you must be anonymous, you little bandit, you who think you have nothing to hide, you who are white as snow?
I will simply answer in this case, why do they want to know everything about you? Why are they putting so much energy into pumping your personal data?
I invite you to watch and listen to this lecture which will make you understand that....
Today you are in countries more or less free, but tomorrow? A law can go out and change everything, you will be against it, but the problem is that we will lock up or kill all those who oppose it, all the resistance fighters you may have left!
China, for example, checks and censures anything that does not please the leader of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping, also known as Xi Dada (it can be translated by Tonton Xi, that says a lot about the good man ..). The emails of those against him are read, and people are locked up for having dared to speak ill of the dictatorship.
Would you accept someone opening your mailbox, tearing your envelopes and reading your mail? No it NEVER !! But this is what happens with your e-mails but does not that shock you? Yet it's the same, it's your personal data.
Why several times in the French government have they spoken of forbidding to use a pseudonym on the net (read on
Well, quite simply, to be able to prevent you from expressing yourself freely! Who would go publicly to say that government is a bastard when his name is associated with the message? Especially under a dictatorship? No one!
So as I said, today you may have nothing to hide, but tomorrow? Maybe homosexuals will have to hide to live in France, and the fact that the government already knows this and a bad thing. This example applies to any other domain.
Your sms in smartphones are picked up by the NSA and others, your calls too!
Feel the Danger ???
Surveillance cameras are growing everywhere in shops, car parks and streets. Initially it was only used in case of accident (road accident, brawl, etc. .. the video had to serve as proof), now in some cities agents are behind these cameras and use them to verbalize the car drivers.
In the near future, it will no longer be agents but facial recognition and gesture recognition software will be at the controls.
I am speaking of course, if you do not know, of the European project INDECT!
Go hop I put a little video of the Anonymous which explains to you what is the project INDECT as well as the possible drifts of such a project
Some people in power will know at any time where such a person is.
All watched!
Personally I do not want this new world! And you?
<Small offset mode off>
1.2) What you should know about anonymity on the internet:
Already we must also know that total anonymity does not exist on the internet. Indeed many factors can betray you like:
- the cookies of your browsers,
- your ip address,
- your login details of the sites,
- your way of writing,
- the programs you use
- etc.
The NSA for example is very well equipped to track everything and anything.
To reduce your chances of being recognized, you will have to modify all this, and if possible to encrypt the incoming and outgoing data of your pc.
1.2.1) How to do with cookies?
Regarding cookies you can either:
- remove them from your browsers manually,
- use a plugin for your browser that will modify them and make you pass for someone else,
- use your browser's private browsing mode.
1.2.2) How do I login?
When you go to a forum for example, you register and usually use the same nickname.
So, even when changing ip address you will always be able to recognize you thanks to your nickname. So I advise you once you change ip, empty your cookies and re-enroll. Remember to always have an ip that is not the real one afterwards when you return.
1.2.3) How to write?
Programs are currently being tested and able to analyze the ways of writing, and to cross this way of writing with all the texts of the net. What I mean by your way of writing is the misspelling you make each time on the word "hopithal" (hospital) plus your abbreviation of "I am" "jsuis". So many things that make one say "it is Benjamin X who wrote this text! ".
To counter this some sites where programs are beginning to see the day to change your way of writing and thus make it common to many people see even to thousands of people if necessary.
1.2.4) What programs are used? What is the problem?
I will only talk here about the Android and IOS systems. The problem is with the permissions that applications grant when you agree to download them.
Applications such as "Flashlight" that normally do not have the sole purpose of turning on and off the flash led so that you can use your smartphone as a flashlight.
Well, it is not unusual to install them, to see that it requires access to the flash controller (logic), but also that they need a complete Internet access (wtf?), To be able to take photos (wtf?), To have access to your list of contacts and your calls sent and received (WTF ???) !!!
What for? Where does your data and photos go without your knowledge?
The same is true of any system, do you know exactly what program transmits what to its creators?
To counter this, I can only start flashing your smartphones and tablets and install one of the recognized programs that will allow you to manage the permissions that applications agree.
For that there are plenty of tutorials for virtually every smartphone and tablet, which explains how to root (android) where jailbreaker (ios) its smartphone.
But back to our sheep.
2) How to change its IP address and encrypt (encrypt) its connection?
There are several ways to do this:
2.1) The best known: Proxies:
Proxies are simply a gateway server that will allow you to change your ip.
There are several types of proxies, public, elite and private.
The public proxies just change your ip, but it's easy to bypass them to know your true ip and they do not usually encrypt your connection, and they do not live very long, which may make you hesitate to seek new ones regularly .
The elite proxies are rarer and are believed not to give your real ip address easily and also do not encrypt your connection in general.
Private proxies are often chargeable, quite expensive too, but guarantee enough that you will not find your real ip (yourprivateproxy for ex)
In short, do not waste too much time with proxies.
2.2) The TOR network:
Tor is a pretty good guarantee of anonymity, provided you avoid leaving too much footprint of your identity.
The Tor network takes you through several relay servers, while encrypting your data.
Encrypting data and going through multiple relays will dramatically slow down your connection, so do not expect to be able to watch your favorite series in streaming for example.
In addition, you will not be able to choose the ip address or the country of connection, which means that some sites will deny you access because of "geolocation by ip".
The NSA and others like the Chinese government for example have, it seems, found solutions to break the Tor network and decrypt the data.
Indeed, the last relay server (node) decrypts the data to transmit them to you. It would be enough (apparently) to simply create a multitude of false Tor nodes and saturate the trusted nodes to force Tor to borrow the veined nodes (it's like highways, if you block a big access, you redirect to the Emergency lanes).
According to those working on the Tor project, Tor would still be immune to attempts at attacks at the moment. Wait and See ..
For now Tor is probably the ideal if you fear for your life.
Warning: Do not activate javascript in the Tor browser:
The Tor project thus makes several recommendations, starting with the disabling of Javascript, to "reduce the vulnerability to attacks of this type", despite potential malfunctions on some sites. Finally, it is also advisable to use an alternative operating system, such as Tails, usable from a USB key or a DVD. "Switching to another system than Windows is a good security initiative, for many reasons. "
To Test Tor, it's here: Tor's website
2.3) The new mode to change IP address: VPN servers:
Also there are several models (free or paid) and different protocol and usually they encrypt your connection.
The vpns allow to choose the country of its ip address and do not make almost lose connection speed.
This is ideal if you are on the other side of the world and want to watch replays of TF1 for example (Tf1 blocks foreign ip addresses and without French ip address you will not be able to watch anything)
I would not dwell on the different protocol, but more on the free or paid aspect.
Free vpns are often bridled in upload / download speed hoping that you will switch to pay mode.
The vpns full free, personally I'm wary of it, because who says "free" often says "this is you product".
Paying vpns are generally a guarantee of quality (and yes you have to pay the servers to the four corners of the planet) and customer satisfaction.
In addition you will have a very wide choice of ip address and country of connection.
It will be necessary to be careful that your vpn do not keep the logs otherwise it is useless. I also advise against using French vpns, because they have the obligation to keep logs on what you do, in case any nonsense is made with these ip address.
I personally use HideMyAss (paid) for over 4 years and I am fully satisfied.
To try HideMyAss it's here: HideMyAss website
A vpn can serve you:
- not to have your login credentials on public wifi like Macdonald, hotels, railway station or airport, for example, thanks to the encryption of the data. It's becoming fashionable right now in hotels (Operation DarkHotel right now) and it's very easy to do for someone who knows how to "sniff" (very technical term to say that this person can see everything that happens on a network).
- to circumvent governmental censorship
- watch the foreign tv in the country where you are
- bypassing Hadopi
- etc.
Of course, like Tor, you need to take precautions, a trusted vpn (HideMyAss for example), use private browsing, and all that we have seen above
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How to change ip address and protect anonymity?
Reviewed by Raja
April 12, 2017

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