5 rules for successfully interviewing your first employee
You will conduct the recruitment interview of your first collaborator. This is a crucial moment and you must prepare for it in order to make the most of it. We suggest you follow the 5 rules below to pass this interview.
Rule # 1: Prepare a Maintenance Guide
The maintenance guide is the frame you will follow to not forget anything. Write down important points and come back to your guide as soon as you feel it is necessary. On the other hand, avoid focusing on it: this would prevent you from being interested in the candidate. From the candidate's point of view, showing that you have prepared the interview is proof of your professionalism.
Rule # 2: Sit in a quiet place
Avoid receiving the candidate in your office. You could be interrupted by a colleague or by phone. Prefer a meeting room or an isolated office, and turn off your cell phone. Create favorable conditions for maximum listening and availability.
Rule # 3: Be both an actor and an observer
The difficulty of the recruiter is that he must both observe the candidate's attitude and get involved in the relationship. Note taking facilitates this posture. It has a double advantage: to allow you to step back in order to let the candidate speak; Note the key words that will facilitate the analysis of the interview a posteriori.
Rule # 4: Be Respectful
If the interview makes it possible to measure the adequacy between a position to be filled and a candidate, it is also a moment of mutual seduction. You must make the candidate want to work for your business. Some techniques of putting the candidate in difficulty to see how he reacts sometimes confine the lack of respect: make him wait, answer the phone, etc. Avoid this kind of attitude. If you are late for an unforeseen reason, apologize and eventually postpone the appointment to make it happen under more favorable conditions.
Rule # 5: Manage Time
In general, a recruitment interview lasts between one and two hours. This depends on the complexity of the position and any tests necessary to verify the required competencies. If the interview is prolonged, take the initiative to offer a break to allow the candidate to relax.
5 rules for successfully interviewing your first employee
Reviewed by Raja
May 28, 2017
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