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My Dog Breathe Very Fast...


One of the sources we can apply for dog health is breathing. Because many problems and illnesses lead to changes in the breathing patterns of dogs, these changes may also point to deadly problems. If you are worried that your dog is breathing too fast, we will be waiting for you in this article.

Do Not Act Too Much

Fast breathing in dogs occurs most often after exercise, and this is not a condition to worry about. When dogs are exercising, when they are running and running, their body temperature rises and they breathe quickly to cool their bodies, in other words, they balance body heat.


Asthma is a disease that can be seen in dogs like the same people and can be shaped by different factors. Especially in recent years, the smoking of dogs next to the dogs at home has led to a serious increase in asthma cases in dogs, which is why dogs become passive smokers and one of the most important symptoms of asthma is rapid breathing.

Panic Attack-Horror

One of the situations that cause dogs to breathe quickly is a panic attack. This problem, which is getting more common in recent years, is usually accompanied by fear in the dog. For example, one of the important signs of panic attacks that can be caused by a bigger dog, such as attacking, thunder, loud noise, can cause the dog to be afraid.


Rapid breathing may also occur due to the difficulty of breathing in poisonings that develop with many different substances.

As you can see, the rapid breathing of dogs is a symptom that sometimes points to very serious and urgent interventions, so it is best to consult the veterinarian when such a situation is encountered.
My Dog Breathe Very Fast... Reviewed by Raja on April 04, 2017 Rating: 5

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